showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
R.U.S.E  Ubisoft (Eugen Systems)2010 labelimageminimize
Castlevania - Harmony of Despair  Konami2011 labelminimizeminimize
Batman: Arkham City Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment;Square Enix (Rocksteady Studios)2011 labelimageminimize
Worms: Revolution Team172012 labelimageminimize
The Last of Us Sony Computer Entertainment (Naughty Dog)2013The premise of the game is that Ophiocordyceps unilateralis has developed a strain that infects humans, much of its effects though not all are actually in line with what that does IRL. labelimageminimize
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified  2K Games (2K Marin)2013 labelimageminimize
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014Into The City’s shadowy world steps Garrett, The Master Thief in a first-person adventure that offers players total freedom to choose their own path to overcome the challenges and madness of a city on the brink of revolution.***